Monday, December 17, 2012

Our Favorite Granddaughter

Isn't she too cute for words?


In the 1960's JR shared apartment 906 in Camelot Towers, Hamilton, ON with Bob Reid, Bob Smyth, Dennis Urquhart and on occasion (when a party lasted too long for him to drive back to Brampton), Stuart Mugford. Chris and Den invited all of them and their spouses to join them for a scrumptious dinner. There was MUCH reminiscing and MUCH hilarity and we have decided to make this an annual event! Thanks zillions Chris and Den!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

FWB Party

The annual Book Club Christmas Party was once again hugely enjoyable with pomegranate martinis, delicious appetizers accompanied by a selection of wines and scrumptious desserts accompanied by a selection of dessert wines, liqueurs and scotches. There was lots of merriment but we did get serious enough to do our gift exchange and to actually discuss the book!

Merry Music

We were delighted to attend Ryan's concert at Ecole St Gerard and Brennen's concert at Haysboro School and also Ryan's piano recital at St Andrew's United Church. All the merry music puts us in the mood of the holiday season.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Baking

Today Mio and I had a lot of fun making a gingerbread cake.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I was privileged to attend a variety concert at which Mercat Cross as well as several other groups presented music, song ,dance,and stories of Christmas. Ryan was the newest vocalist with Mercat Cross and he looked and sounded fantastic.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

JR's 70th Birthday

Many family and friends gathered on Dec 01, 2012 to celebrate the event of JR's birth seventy years ago on this date. The surprise arrival of Lee Ann was a highlight. After dinner the five grandchildren present helped blow out the candles on Barbara's special carrot cake and JR enjoyed this and portions of at least four other dessert selections plus a healthy (?) portion of ice cream! Touching words were spoken by Lorisa, Lee Ann, Jim and read by Krystal for Lucinda. Entertainment was provided by Johnny and the grandchildren doing their interpretation of "Gengnam Style" dancing. A good time was had by all and as Lucinda says, we'll see each other again in 10 years for a celebration of his 80th birthday.