Saturday, November 13, 2010

J&K Wedding

The John and Krystal wedding on the Mayan Riviera was wonderful. The accommodation at the Azul Sensatori resort was incredible, food delicious, activities abundant, varied and lots of fun for all. The bride was beautiful, ceremony touching, dancing wild, and friends and family entertaining. It was special to have four of our little boys (and their parents) together though they really "gobbed " me in a whipped cream fight on the beach!!!

President's Gala

Arlene and Jack and Barb and Garry joined us at a gala event welcoming the incoming president of the Calgary Winter Club. Scrumptious food, great dance music and socializing with the many friends present, made it a most memorable evening.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mona Lisa Mio

Mio gets cuter every day. Here she displays a "Mona Lisa Smile"